What you should expect from your electrician

Every person will inevitably find themselves in need of an electrician at some point in their life. Finding a trustworthy electrician can be difficult if you are a new homeowner, or recently moved into a new area. 

Having a go-to local electrician is not only essential for your safety, but if an electrical issue wasn’t fixed properly, it could be more costly getting another one to rectify it. To help you with this, we outline the expectations your electrician should deliver when working for you.

Provide a certificate of accreditation and licences 

All electricians in Queensland are required to hold an electrical licence and an electrical contracting licence. You must ask to see both of these accreditations before an electrician completes any work on your property. If they are unlicensed, any of the work they’ve completed will likely be deemed not up to standard, and you will fail your electrical inspection. You can manually check your electrician's licence on WorkSafe Queensland's website. 

Be investigative of your electrical issues 

Your electrician should ask you an array of questions upon arriving at your property so they can fully understand what the issue is and where it is coming from. You may be unaware of factors that could lead to a bigger or smaller problem. If your electrician takes your word over offering to do their thorough investigation, this is an indication they may not be as experienced as they have suggested. 

Be up to speed with the industry rules and regulations 

Electrical industry undergoes frequent updates to ensure best practice is maintained across the board. Your electrician's responsibility is to keep on top of these and make relevant upgrades or changes to your electrical plan. To gauge if your electrician is doing this, you can inquire about their staff training procedures. 

Complete the testing schedule 

After completing electrical work, your electrician should create a testing schedule for you to ensure the work was done correctly after a certain period has passed. Some electricians might opt out of these testing schedules and regard them as unnecessary. Skipping this crucial step is risky and unprofessional and should be reported to their business manager. 

Offer genuine advice and upgrades 

It is not uncommon for an electrician to attend your property and realise that there are more potential issues than initially thought. You should feel confident enough in your electrician to know when their advice is genuine, and the upgrades relating to safety and energy efficiencies they are offering are in your best interest. If you have hesitations about particular projects or upgrades, your electrician should encourage you to ask questions and offer to explain them in a simple, easy to understand way. By building a trusting relationship with your electrician, you have more power in your decision making. 

The Ehlerth Electrical team have heard their fair share of customer horror stories about unprofessional electricians. If you are searching for an electrician you can trust, please reach out to our team today

5 ways to Transform Your Outdoor Areas With Lighting

There is no denying that us Queenslanders enjoy a long summer afternoon backyard get together that drifts into the evening and by having a well designed outdoor lighting system you ensure you’re getting the most out of your outdoor areas, no matter the time of day. 

Parties aside, exterior lighting has many benefits for home improvement. Most notably, the ability to increase security and safety, street appeal, highlight unique features of the home and landscaping and create an ambience to your space after the sun has set. 

Outdoor lighting is one of our favourite services to design with our customers, we have outlined 5 ways to transform your outdoor areas with lighting: 

  1. Lighting for security 

    If you are searching for ways to help you feel safe and secure in your home, consider the power that outdoor lighting has in this scenario. By installing automated sensor lighting, you can eliminate security concerns and help you feel safer when arriving or leaving your home. This is also important for your visitors to know where they are going without hazards being in their way

  2. Festoon lighting  

    Undeniably a favourite lighting style of ours is festooning. Not only do they brighten an outdoor area up, but they also have an element of fun to them, unlike normal lighting options. They are easily maintained as you can have extra bulbs on hand for any of that may need replacing from time to time, but often have long lifespans. The dual beauty of festooning is that you can either have them up all year round or simply re-hang them when having an event or party. It is important to ensure the purchased lighting is appropriate for outdoor use.

  3. Path lights 

    There is something magical about walking up a front path framed by path lanterns. Installing path lighting around your flower and garden beds helps yourself and guests see their way much clearer while also creating an ambience for your outdoor areas. There is a plentiful range of path lights to choose from depending on the design of your house. They can be integrated with your pathway, which adds an extra element of luxury or be stand-alone lighting fixtures in the ground. These are relatively inexpensive with there being many solar, LED or low voltage options. Another win is to have these automated for different times, meaning you won’t need to worry about turning them on or off. 

  4. Spotlights 

    What’s the point of having a beautifully landscaped garden without showing it off? Exterior spotlights are the perfect way to give your garden a new look and feel as day becomes night. Using a mix of down and uplights, you can create a showstopping display of your favourite plants and use this as a way to frame the garden and outdoor areas. Get creative with these by introducing different colourways for some extra fun.

  5. Fairylight trees

    Draw inspiration from the fairy light trees situated around Brisbane and have your own version of this installed at your home. Simply wrap the trunk of the tree of outdoor fairy lights and watch as it brings a new life to the area. Not only are these incredibly beautiful, but they do an excellent job at providing lighting for your exterior space.

Exterior lighting is a great way to extend a house’s life outside the interior walls. If you are searching for innovative ways to do this with your own home or would like to increase the security and safety of your property, please reach out to the Ehlerth Electrical team today

7 Electrical Tips for New Home Builds

Building a new home is equal parts exciting and overwhelming, with most people only doing it once or twice in their lifetime. For many, their new home build is the result of years of hard work, planning and cultivation of dreams for their future. This often leads to multiple moments of stress, indecisiveness and, unfortunately, disappointment when elements fail or don’t turn out the way they were intended. 

Electrical planning is done very early on in the building process, with rooms and fixtures having to be planned well before the end date of construction. With technology and home interior trends changing all the time, knowing your electrical plan and lighting can be difficult to foresee. This blog aims to break down our top 7 electrical tips for new home builds in 2022. 

  1. Have an understanding of your electrical use 

    Every household and family will use a different amount of electricity, understanding how much will be needed for your new home is crucial before your electrician can determine the type of wiring necessary. Consider writing down an electrical ‘wish list’ of appliances, features, electronics and outlets per room to provide a clear guide for your electrician to follow and avoid disappointment.

  2. Plan for the future

    Building is a very expensive endeavour, with some dream elements having to take the back seat while must-haves are prioritised. It’s completely normal to include additional wiring and plans for future ‘wishlist’ projects to be undertaken once after the build has finished and more financially viable to do so. This can include electric car charging systems, additional air conditioning, smart home automation and solar panel installation. 

  3. Be innovative with your outlets  

    If there is one thing Australian’s love, it’s having ample electrical outlets available to them. However,  they don’t always make the most attractive interior element to a space if placed in the wrong position or not matching the decor. There are multiple ways outlets can be updated, from opting to use a more aesthetically pleasing cover to converting a two-plug outlet to a four with USB slots included. Where the outlets are placed can completely change the flow of the house in terms of practicality. Consider requesting a charging drawer in the kitchen and bathrooms to avoid cables on the bench, and don’t forget the all-important bedside table outlets.

  4. Automate your lighting 

    Increase the simple luxury of your home by installing a smart home automation system for your electrical appliances and lighting. Controlled by a central device or mobile phone, these can be programmed to dim or turn on lights at particular times and create an ambience to your home. These are becoming increasingly popular due to the research showing how much lighting can be detrimental to sleep patterns and productivity levels. 

  5. Consider your home’s heating, cooling and ventilation systems

    Make a conscious effort to communicate with your electrician about your home’s systems as early as possible. This way, the contractors can work together to make sure all load requirements and equipment is accounted for in the build process and nothing has to be compromised. 

  6. Remember exterior features

    The home is beyond the inside of the walls of a house, extending the planning to the exterior of your property is important to reach a satisfying finish. From automated spotlights for safety and security to elevating street appeal and optimising entertaining hours beyond the daylight, well-executed exterior lighting is key. 

  7. Take photos behind your walls  

Nothing is more frustrating than having to go through unnecessary electrical issues in your home when problems unexpectedly arise. Requesting photos of your electrical system from behind the walls, along with detailed diagrams of the home makes troubleshooting issues a lot easier. Especially if a different electrician than the one originally working on your house is being used. 

Electrical planning for a new home is time consuming, but ultimately can save thousands and dollars (and hours) in the future. The Ehlerth Electrical team are well experienced in providing electrical plans for new builds and are on the forefront of electrical innovation. If you need help navigating this process, please reach out to the Ehlerth Electrical team today!

3 Proactive Electrical Inspections That Can Keep You Safe

Running into electrical issues and emergencies is never a fun experience for anyone, and often comes at the most inconvenient of times. However, when it comes to electrical safety and efficiency, scheduling regular inspections for your home or workplace, might help prevent electrical hazards from arising in the first place. 

Below are 3 electrical inspections that can keep you, your family and your workplace safe. 

  1. After a serious storm event where damage is expected

    With Queenslanders being accustomed to storm cells and severe weather conditions, troubleshooting electrical issues can be easily overlooked after a major storm. However, if your property is damaged, has experienced flooding or a significant power outage, it is best practice to have your electrical systems inspected to ensure no hidden defects or electrical hazards. In the case you have experienced flooding, do not attempt to identify any electrical issues before a licensed professional has inspected both the wiring and any additional appliances at risk. When storm season is approaching or coming to an end, a routine inspection is a great way to proactively find damage before it escalates into a more serious issue. 

  2. After purchasing a new property  

    Once a new property is secured, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure electrical safety for the property and those who live or visit. By making a conscious effort to have routine electrical safety inspections, you are futureproofing your property, household members and guests from electrical damages and potential injuries. 

  3. If your home is older than 25 years old 

    We often come across older homes that have had the same owners for multiple decades that have unresolved electrical problems hiding just out of plain sight. It is not unheard of for these properties to experience unexplained tripped circuits or power outages and for these to be so commonplace they aren’t deemed serious enough for an electrician to investigate. However, it is incredibly important that if a property is experiencing electrical issues, or is over 25 years old, a licensed electrician is engaged for an annual inspection. Often, their wiring is old, the circuit breaker isn’t working properly, and in some cases, illegal DIY work has been conducted putting all household members in serious harm. These electrical issues are much easier to rectify before a major disaster has occurred at the property, such as an electrical fire. 

Electrical inspections are designed to help troubleshoot electrical issues before they become a serious, damaging event. The Ehlerth Electrical team are well trained in conducting safe, proactive electrical inspection and take home electrical safety very seriously. If you need help in this area, please reach out to the Ehlerth Electrical team today

4 Ways to Protect Your Pets from Electrical Hazards

Our pets are an extension of our family, so protecting them from potential injuries and hazards is just as important as protecting everyone else in the household. Some of the biggest hazards in the home are electrical. In particular for curious animals who don’t understand the causes or dangers of electrocution. Pets can be the cause of electrical issues and fire hazards, especially if they enjoy chewing on cords and electronic appliances.

Below are four ways you can help protect your pets and prevent unfortunate accidents from occurring.

  1. Handle cords safely

    Whilst it may seem like a lot of effort, unplugging appliances from the wall and putting the cords away out of reach is a great way to safeguard your animals from entangling themselves or causing electrical accidents. If you can make a habit of doing this before leaving the house for the day and overnight while you’re asleep, it will significantly reduce the risk of electric shock or a house fire from igniting. Mobile phone devices are the main culprits as they are often left in low-level electrical outlets and still emit a small charge when plugged in. Moving these to a safer, higher outlet and keeping the cords away from the ground will eliminate this issue.

  2. Have a designated electricity-free area

    Like children, creating a safe playpen area for your pets free from electrical appliances, cords and outlets is a great way to have peace of mind when leaving them home alone during work hours. If this area is outside, you will need to consider the outdoor electrical hazards (such as under-ground cables if your pet likes to dig) and make sure this area offers shade and water for the animal.

  3. Use reliable equipment

    Using reliable equipment is not only a benefit for protecting your pets and family but also a quality assurance for your home’s electrical system. Avoid cutting costs on cheaper outlets, extension cords and powerboards. Reliable equipment can reduce the need for regular maintenance or replacement, save you money in the long run, and be safer for the occupants of your home.

  4. Train your pet and educate household

    As mentioned above, pets aren’t taught the dangers of electricity, which is one of the main reasons they need protection from electrical hazards. Committing to training your animals that particular areas of your home are off-limits can save their life and prevent potential house fires from happening. Often, pets explore and chew household items because they are bored and looking for entertainment. Consider purchasing chew toys or implementing more games to engage them with to eliminate some of this curiosity. Educate your household on these practices to avoid accidents. This is a timely opportunity to teach your kids about electrical safety and how they can help you protect your pet/s.

Home electrical safety is critical and should be a priority when a pet is brought into the home. If you need help upgrading your home's electrical system or outlets to protect your pets and family, please reach out to the Ehlerth Electrical team today!

The rise of Electric Vehicles and their impact

Whether you have driven an electric vehicle (EV) or not, chances are you will be in the not too distant future. There is an increased demand for EVs in Australia and worldwide thanks to the benefits of reduced fuel and maintenance costs, reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions (if EVs are charged using renewable energy).

But, what does this mean for industries servicing these vehicles, and how can you make sure you are prepared for this change? The following blog aims to give insights into what electricians and consumers alike can expect from this change. 

Australia’s EV uptake

According to CarExpert, sales of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles surged in Australia over the first half of 2021. Their combined market share about doubled compared with last year’s tally. 7,248 electric vehicles (EV) were sold in Australia between January and June, according to the latest Electric Vehicle Council market report, in addition to 1,440 plug-in hybrids (PHEV). 

Electric vehicle uptake in Australia is currently lower than in other developed countries, but the number of EVs is expected to grow as cheaper models arrive and more charging infrastructure is rolled out. 

The Australian Electric Vehicle Market Study Report reports that EVs are expected to match petrol vehicles on both upfront price and range by the mid-2020s. Once EVs reach this price parity with internal combustion engine vehicles, sales of EVs are expected to increase rapidly. 

Government-led change 

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s (ARENA) focus has been on the integration of EVs with the electricity grid in a way that benefits electricity users. The Australian Government has also allocated funding in the 20/21 Federal Budget to address barriers to the rollout of new vehicle technologies. The Future Fuels Fund, launched in February 2021, is helping businesses and regional communities take advantage of opportunities offered by new vehicle technologies across battery-electric, hydrogen fuel cell and biofuels.

Increased need for power 

All of these changes impact the electronic industry and electricians precisely due to their increased need for power to run. If not managed effectively, the electricity network demand will be quickly overwhelmed. However, by limiting charging to the non-peak hours, the electricity network will become more utilised and encourage the entire electricity system to work more efficiently. It would also support integrating small and large-scale renewable energy systems into the grid, creating better environmental solutions and reducing emissions. 

You have probably noticed the EV charging stations popping up in various locations in recent times. Ehlerth Electrical team has had the pleasure of working with EVSE Australia this year to install a range of EV charging stations across multiple Queensland sites.

Planning for the Future 

It is clear that this change is happening, so the best bet is to begin implementing solutions at the earliest chance possible. One recommendation we are making to our clients who are building a new house is to consider forward-planning for an electronic charger if they are interested in converting sooner rather than later. For already built homes, upgrades may be essential to make sure the amount of power needed can be met without putting strain on your current system. 

If you are interested in having an electronic charger installed or would like to know more about the process, please reach out to the Ehlerth Electrical team today

What are the Electrical Safety Requirements For Domestic Rental Properties?

Whether you are a long term renter or about to sign your first rental lease, many landlords and tenants aren’t aware of what’s required for their property when it comes to electrical safety and appliances.

We have broken down the electrical safety requirements for both landlords and tenants in Queensland to help better understand these expectations. Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act) states that the property owners must ensure that the property is not in breach of any health and safety law at the beginning of the property’s tenancy, and this includes the Electrical Safety Act 2002.

Mutual Responsibility

The Electrical Safety Act 2002 outlines that electrical safety is a mutual responsibility for both landlords and tenants. Specifically, it is the landlord's responsibility to ensure the property is safe upon moving in and through the duration of the lease agreement, and it is the tenant's responsibility to ensure their safety and the safety of others by being proactive in reporting any electrical issues.

Safety Switches

The property owner is responsible for a safety switch to be fitted to powerpoint circuits. If the property does not have one, one must be installed by a licensed electrician, otherwise, landlords risk getting a fine of up to $1,500. Safety switches are essential for all houses as they help prevent electrical shock and house fires when the circuit trips. It is also the landlord's responsibility to show where the tenants can find the safety switch, when testing is required and how to do this. Safety switches should be tested every 3 months to make sure they are compliant. Either the tenant can perform this, or the landlord (given they have submitted an entry notice form at least 24 hours beforehand).

Do Not DIY

In Queensland, it is illegal for anyone but a qualified electrician to perform electrical work. Even if the job is done to standard, it won’t pass the certification and therefore jeopardises insurance policies, as well as property value and safety. Discard faulty electrical appliances and avoid attempting to repair these. Also verifying the electrical license of the electrician employed for any jobs to safeguard hiring illegitimate contractors, this can be done by the ‘Find a licensed electrician’ function on the Electrical Safety Office website.

Emergency Repairs

A dangerous electrical fault or damage that makes the premise unsafe or insecure is deemed an emergency repair. In the case that the tenant experiences an electrical shock from electrical equipment or metal fittings, it should be reported, in writing, to the landlord as soon as noticed. If it is an electrical appliance, do not continue to use this until it has been assessed for future use.

Further Resources

The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) has a multitude of resources that can provide more insight into the electrical responsibilities for domestic rental properties. Such as, this downloaded guide on electrical safety for tenants and this free webinar on Electrical Safety for landlords.

If you need to organise an electrical safety audit of your rental properties, or simply if you have any questions about the above, the Ehlerth team are more than happy to assist. ⁣Contact us today!

Electrical Issues to Look Out For When Doing Home DIYs

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There was a significant increase in home DIYs and home maintenance this past year. Whether you are simply repainting a wall or remodelling a whole room, DIYing is something that takes time to learn if you want to increase, not decrease, your property's value while keeping yourself safe. 

Certain aspects of DIYs will inevitably involve electrical appliances, so you must educate yourself on the risks before undertaking them. Keep in mind that in Queensland, it is illegal to do any domestic wiring or rewiring yourself unless you are a qualified electrician.

Below are the electrical issues that we recommend looking out for when doing home DIYs. 

Unclean Workspaces 

A clean workspace is one way of reducing the risk of accidents occuring. This is especially true if you are planning on using any electrical equipment. By limiting the debris, water spillage and any electrical cords, you safeguard yourself against potential electrocution, electrical fires and injuries from misstepping or slipping. 

Electrical Fire Hazard 

As mentioned above, electrical fires are a significant concern for home DIYs. Something important to remember is that you cannot use water to extinguish an electrical fire because it will conduct electricity. Anyone who gets wet can get electrocuted, so practising caution is crucial. Simple jobs, such as changing a light bulb or updating an outlet or switch, are often the ones that can be the most overlooked and cause the most damage. 

Faulty Tools 

If you aren’t a frequent user of electrical tools, it can be hard to identify which ones are unusable or not working as they should. Using faulty tools inevitably will result in injury. Keeping your tools appropriately stored, in good condition and discarding the tools that are no longer safe is the best way to avoid a trip to the emergency department. 

Hidden Electrical Damages 

Most of the electrical components of your home are hidden behind the walls and in the roofing, so it is easy not to be aware of any hidden electrical damages you may be facing at the beginning of a project.  If you are a homeowner, referring back to your house plans for the whereabouts of your electrical wiring system is a great way to avoid potential hazards and decrease the chances of receiving an electrical shock. 

Please remember, a qualified electrician should always perform all electrical work. You’re lucky because we happen to know a few!

⁣Contact the Ehlerth Electrical team today if you have any home DIY plans that need an electrician’s assistance.